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Feeding The Hunger Inside Our Hearts

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F e e d i n g T h e H u n g e r I n s i d e O u r H e a r t s:

f t. E u c h a r i s t i c A d o r a t i o n

Eucharistic Adoration Is Something That Is So Important To Our Spiritual Bodies...

Not just our spiritual bodies, but our physical bodies as well. We start to lose our joy + our happiness + our sense of peace + rest when we do not

spend time with Our Lord. And it starts to really build up in our hearts + we start to try to find things to feed that hunger, that spiritual hunger that

Christ can only satisfy. He, can only fill our hearts + make us satisfied. And when we try to fill that hole with worldly things, such as lust, money,

expensive cars, clothes, jewelry, phones, anything that's not of Christ is not going to satisfy us. But if we serve others out of love for Our Lord +

we spend time with Him + we give Him all of us, + we give Him everything, every ounce of our being, we will find the most joyful fulfillment we will

ever find + experience in our lives.

Only He Can Satisfy Us...

A lot of people don't understand that, they don't realize that what they are doing to fill their emptiness + unhappiness is going to only leave

them happy for a little while. Where as, Christ's hope + love + His happiness + His joy will always satisfy us, no matter if we are poor, if we are rich,

no matter if we have everything in the world or if we only have Him. If we only have Him we will be satisfied and we will be joyful !! And we will not need

anything else, we will not long for anything else. We Shall Not Want Anything, other than Our Lord. Because he is the only thing, The Only Thing that

will fill our hearts + our souls. And so we may be able to physically + spiritually be with Him in Heaven one day, hopefully.

We Need To Learn To Love Him...

"Love me, and everything will work itself out." Yesterday in Adoration, as i was wrestling with all of this doubt + fear of my future + of God's plans for my

life, i heard Christ speak to me very clearly. "Love me, and everything will work itself out", as i got deeper + deeper into the silence, trying to hear Him,

this phrase kept repeating + repeating over + over again, "Love me, and everything will work itself out" , "Love me, and everything will work itself out".

i realized in that moment i needed to surrender everything to Him + learn to love Him + trust Him completely with my everything. No matter if it's

terrifying, no matter if i have No Idea what He wants for me ! Even if i have no idea what His plan is for my life !! If we are willing to surrender ourselves

to Him, then will we be truly happy, + we will have the joy of Christ. And we will be able to share it with others !

And We Will Not Be Afraid...

And we will not be afraid of anything ! We won't be afraid, of what others think, we won't be afraid of what will happen to us. We won't be afraid of the

unknown. We will Not Be Afraid Of The Unknown !!! Because we know that He has a plan, that is far greater than what we could ever imagine for ourselves.

And once we expect that + once we surrender all of ourselves to Christ, we will be able to see that ! And we will be able to trust Him without fear, trust Him

without doubt + without being so caught up in worldliness, if we give ourselves to Christ completely. If we give Him our desires, hopes, + dreams, He will turn

them around and He will give you dreams, beyond the dreams that you ever dreamed !! And when we surrender everything + we give Him our brokenness, our

uncertainty, our doubt, our fear, our sin, our shame, our Everything. Then, will we be satisfied in Him.

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